Fitness sleep - Health and Weight

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Fall semester can be a busy time, and it might be difficult to get enough sleep each night. But it is important to do, because the lack of sleep affects several factors controlling the health and weight.

On the one hand, lack of sleep, even in the short term may reduce leptin levels. Leptin is a powerful hormone that tells the brain satiety / body has had enough food and are no longer needed. (Functions of leptin are much more complex and diverse than these, but for a short article on sleep, health and weight requirements, this will do.) Name Leptin means "thin", so if you do not work properly or is in short supply, you can create the opposite effect.

Another thing that lack of sleep can do is to increase the levels of ghrelin. Ghrelin works in opposition to leptin and stimulates the brain to promote the supply. This hormone "monster" increase in appetite, metabolic rate decreases, and even promotes a preference for fat.

Because ghrelin has a negative effect on appetite and weight, it pays to know what more active. A high-fat diet (even a high-fat meal) can do it, so keep your fat intake down. The type of fat - saturated or unsaturated - seems to affect ghrelin levels.

Lack of sleep can also lower melatonin. When we sleep, the brain releases melatonin, an anti-inflammatory hormone that can help heal a number of things in the body. Since inflammation is the source of most (some sources say ALL) disease, getting enough sleep is the key to staying healthy.

Too little sleep can trigger pro-inflammatory chemicals that make us less sensitive to insulin, which is never a good thing - whether for health or weight. Insulin resistance underlies many metabolic disorders. These disorders include diabetes, hypertension, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, heart disease, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome and polycystic kidney disease. Because these disorders tend to occur in clusters, someone with whom you probably several.

Insulin resistance can contribute to weight gain, also. We learn in general that insulin resistance is the result of obesity / overweight. What is certain is that the insulin resistance can cause really overweight. I mentioned in previous articles, but here's a brief summary.

Body tissues can be distinguished by their sensitivity to insulin. The primary site of insulin resistance is the skeletal muscle. In insulin resistance, muscle does not respond to insulin, so that glucose is not transported into the muscle tissue in place and transported to fat deposits. In short, anything that reduces the sensitivity to insulin is bad news for health and weight. (Diet can be a major cause of insulin resistance, but we will limit this article to the effects of sleep deprivation.)


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