Risk of Obesity - Escape From Obesity

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A recent study showed that obesity increased in 1980, not only in America but around the world. 1 in 10 adults worldwide are obese, with the county most affected is the United States, followed by New Zealand and Australia in the second and third in the UK.

What causes obesity?

The main reason is that obesity is associated with overeating. Since today's world is a global world, people can buy and eat food from around the world. Supported by the increase in foreign travel, where travelers to test new types of cuisine and food, the need for food for imported food. The greater variety of foods in supermarkets growth leads people to buy more food than they need. Mentality eat before it is bad increases food intake and stretching of the stomach. Getting people to eat more food than they can handle.

With most people relying on public transport and private transport, the movement that people used to fell. Do not move enough to burn excess calories means that excess food is transferred to the stored fat in the body.

Risk of obesity

The risk of obesity will vary depending on the person. Some risks include difficulty in movement, difficulty getting up and feeling out of breath. Diabetes, hypertension and other serious diseases can lead to life expectancy guido and death if not treated.

Escape from obesity?

Eat less and exercise more? Yes. Is not science that the less you eat, eat too much, or if you stop eating fatty and sugary foods move more, like walking, running, walking, dancing, you will lose weight.

It does not work!

There comes a time when you tried diet, exercise and work pointing. The next option is to consider products that can be purchased in stores or online that have proven history of helping people lose weight. The products are endless and you have to choose carefully what product you are going for. Like all products of weight loss is important to note that it is not advisable to buy on auction sites as they can be wrong and the ingredients may not be indicated on the packaging.

All you have to lose is to lose weight!


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